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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Get Lean while Eating GREEN !

I never cease to be amazed by the number of web sites I did not know about!! Since I started my "blog," readers have advised me of new and valuable information. This came from http://www.EatRightAmerica.com/ Enjoy!!

Get Lean while Eating GREEN!

Most people have no idea how our choice of food affects global ecology; however, USA Today (Dec. 18) stated that 75% of Americans plan to try to be more GREEN in 2008.

Most of the information on this website deals with the vast health benefits associated with eating the natural diet for humans, but there are many other reasons for eating this way. In addition to being rewarded with vibrant health and effortless & permanent weight loss, you will be doing your part to save the planet. As you may know by now, we are advocating a very nutrient-dense diet, which requires you to dramatically increase your consumption of whole, unrefined, plant-based foods; particularly leafy green vegetables which contain the most nutrients per calorie of any food. As you move in the direction of more plant-based foods in your diet, you will be contributing greatly to:

Saving the Planet
Reducing Cruelty to Animals
Feeding the Children of the World

How so, you might ask? It's really quite simple and it's also very well documented, but for a variety of reasons we will explain later, this knowledge passes through many media filters and never seems to make it to the mainstream public. Here's a few things that you may not know:

Did you know that the raising of livestock for our dinner tables causes 30% more global warming than all of the cars, trucks, airplanes, ships and trains in the world...combined?
Did you know that the amount of fresh water required to produce just ten pounds of steak is enough water to provide for all household uses for a family of four for a full YEAR?
Did you know that you can feed 2,000 plant-eaters on the same amount of land that it requires to feed just 100 people who eat the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.)?

The above facts are well-documented. In a November 2006 U.N. Report entitled Livestock's Long Shadow, it explored in depth the vast amount of damage being done to our planet due to the raising of livestock for food. The report offered few solutions since the authors, like almost everyone else, didn't even consider that a gradual shift to a plant-based diet was even possible, much less advisable. We now know that, not only is it possible, it is scientifically proven to be the healthiest diet that you can eat.

We are not talking vegetarian or vegan, we are simply talking about dramatically increasing the proportion of whole plant-based foods in your diet...for health reasons. Using simple first-grade math, if you increase the amount of plants in your diet, you will naturally decrease the amount of meat and/or dairy. Naturally, as you eat to optimize your health, you will be making a huge contribution to the environment, the animals and the children.

You may be asking yourself right about now, why haven't I heard all of this before. Why didn't Al Gore and the media tell us about that U.N. Report? With all of the hoopla about global warming, you would think that would be big news, wouldn't you? Well, if you stop and think about it, there are trillions of dollars at stake for many industries when you talk about eating fewer animals and more plants. Even though a gradual shift to a plant-based diet would save billions of lives, feed far more people, and do wonderful things for the environment; our entire system is built around sustaining itself and creating more sales and profits for all involved.

In his landmark book, The China Study, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, summed up the environmental questions very succinctly, "It turns out that if we eat the way that promotes the best health for ourselves, we also promote the best health for the planet." In the same book, he tries to explain how the "system" works as it relates to nutrition and the ability of our food choices to make dramatic improvements in our health. Here's how he explains why you haven't heard any of this before:

"There is a wealth of published research that suggests that the diseases of affluence are a result of poor nutrition; not poor genes or bad luck. So why doesn't the medical system take nutrition seriously? Four words: money, power, ego and control. While it is unfair to generalize about individual doctors, it is safe to say that the system they work in, the system that currently takes responsibility for promoting the health of Americans, is failing us. Most, but not all, of the confusion about nutrition is created in legal, fully disclosed ways and is disseminated by unsuspecting, well-intentioned people, whether they are researchers, politicians, or journalists. The entire system--government, science, medicine, industry and media--promotes profits over health, technology over food and confusion over clarity. The most damaging aspect of the system is not sensational, nor is it likely to create much of a stir upon its discovery. It is a silent enemy that few people see and understand."

There are many reasons why you will not soon hear the "truth about nutrition" from your doctor, the truth about food from the evening news, or the truth about the environment from Al Gore or any other politician. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't learn the truth for yourself. If you truly want to learn more about the environmental, animal rights and political issues, we recommend that you read these very well documented books:

Diet for a New America by John Robbins
Mad Cowboy by Howard Lyman
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell

After reading all of the above, you might then wish to write your congressional representatives urging them to do something about our political system that ignores the very powerful truths that could have such a huge positive impact on health care, global warming, world hunger and cruelty to animals. The solution is so refreshingly simple in its concept yet so unbelievable complex in its execution.

Are you someone who cares about the environment? You may even refer to yourself as an environmentalist; seems like everyone claims to be one these days. You may have a problem after reading the above three books, because once you learn the truth about what is causing many of our environmental problems, you may have trouble continuing to call yourself an environmentalist. That is, unless you start moving away from eating the Standard American Diet consisting of meat, fish and dairy three meals a day.

Good luck and God Bless as you begin to move in the planet-friendly direction of optimal health. Best regards, Jim Hicks

Jim Hicks is a devout follower of Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat For Health dietary program and a very good friend to Eat Right America’s Founders. I would suggest you visit his website http://www.harmonyearth.net/.

Kevin Leville
CEO Eat Right America

Copyright 2007 Nutritional Excellence, LLC. All rights reserved. All material provided on the EatRightAmerica.com website is provided for informational or educational purposes only. Consult a physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.
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