I'm so grateful to be able to type this message because, by the grace of God, I am not in the local hospital. I've just returned from a walk (3:15-4:45 PM) where I was almost attack by a large dog. Walking on a paved street, as I was adjacent to a home, the dog started barking and burst through the aluminum storm door with such impact it sounded like a bomb exploded (seriously!!). I expected to be mauled but the lady owner was right behind the dog and pulled it away!! PTL!! I went out "for a breath of fresh air" and got my heart pumping too!! Yes, I determined today that I would force myself to W-A-L-K and I-N-H-A-L-E and seriously approach recovery from ozone poisoning. -- This morning I walked to the laundry room several times doing two loads of laundry. -- The apartment door was open for about seven hours to "air out" my contaminated, humble abode. I'm exhausted, but so grateful for an answer to my health problem. Now I can focus on getting well.
===== Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 8:30 PM =====
A storm moved in so I didn't want to walk in the cold and wind. I'm coughing less... but I don't want to risk aggravating my labored breathing. I'm still taking the MucinexDM as an expectorant and cough suppressant. I didn't need eye drops for my previously insanely itchy eyes!! The front door was open for several hours (I wore a sweater to keep warm). I ironed yesterday's laundry and put away. I did more research on the Internet. I walked to the mailbox--and visited with a neighbor.
===== Thursday, February 12, 2009, 3:30 PM ======
I walked briskly for twenty minutes in a cold wind (it would have been warm except for the cold wind [ha!].) Earlier in the day I shopped for a few things (including a birthday card for my brother [see December 5, 2008].) Gratefully, I slept very well last night--and hated to get up this morning. My breathing is easier; I have less mucus and fewer coughing spells (fewer, but occasional and wrenching). I'm forcing myself to "do" although (honestly) my deepest desire is to crawl back into bed!! My mind is saying "do" while my body says "no." The front door is open (and I'm sitting here wearing a sweater and coat). C-O-U-N-T-I-N-G-- M-Y --B-L-E-S-S-I-N-G-S !! (Did you hear about that tornado that ripped through a community in Oklahoma??)
====== Friday, February 13, 2009, 10:30 AM ======
Still counting my blessings!! Now the grief of a plane crash near Buffalo, New York (without the miraculous ending of the plane landing on the Hudson River). I had a "rest less" night because I (intentionally) did not take MucinexDM when I went to bed (I don't like to take OTC or prescription drugs). Coughing..., itchy eyes..., I guess my body is not going to make an overnight recovery from the ozone poisoning!! I'm feeling guilt because so many things I should be "doing" and I haven't an ounce of energy!! Here's a question we'll never be able to answer: How much worse would I have been if I had not been taking MaxGXL (glutathione) and Max N-Fuze (nutritional supplement)?? Would I have eventually died if I hadn't found the answer on Monday??
===== Saturday, February 14, 2009, 10:30 AM ======
I slept very well last night--and didn't get up until 9:30!! "Inch by inch it's a cinch." Although recovery is slow, I know I'm feeling better BECAUSE I made an appointment for a hair cut (while extremely sick, I didn't care how long my hair grew). My stylist ask all the "How are you; what have you been doing?" questions. After hearing my story, she told me she had been suffering a bronchial infection since December and is on doctor-prescribed antibiotics. She knows I don't take prescription drugs and asked if there's any natural antibiotic. "Yes, Goldenseal" was my answer. Moments later I was in my local health food store buying Goldenseal. (I preceived that I have an infection requiring an antibiotic.)
I'm thrilled about the steady progression of information I'm receiving and the variety of sources (as I "doctor" myself). First: I read, and reread, about allergies in Prescription for Nutritional Healing (subtitle: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements) by Phyllis A. Balch. Second: I made two trips to my far-away Holistic Medical Doctor for an expensive allergy test (and was told I had no allergies). Third: Less than two weeks ago, on NBC-TV "The Doctors", a segment about asthma (and truthfully I seldom watch "The Doctors"). So I read about asthma in Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Fourth: On Friday, February 6th, I asked the ladies at my local health food store if they could recommend a local medical doctor. They did... and I drove to the office immediately--only to learn that the doctor has a long waiting list. Fifth: My desperate search, and remarkable discovery, is documented on Monday, February 9th, when I researched asthma on the Internet. (There may have been another "step" along the information path. Those five came to mind as I write this at 11 AM Saturday morning. What a sweetheart of a Valentine's gift!!)
Never give up, n-e-v-e-r- -g-i-v-e- -u-p, NEVER GIVE UP!! Our body is a marvelous self-healing machine if we give it the right ingredients. I choose to follow a vegan diet; I take nutritional supplements. Best of all I believe in "the Great Physician," the Lord Jesus Christ, and I read the Bible (life's unequaled instruction manual). I'm not suggesting that the reader follow my example (to self prescribe and self diagnose). Remember, I have over thirty years experience following holistic health so pieces come together (like a jigsaw puzzle). Suddenly I had an urge to "preach" about holistic health but I'll sign off saying "e-mail me, or phone me, if you want a friend on your journey to recovery."
====== Sunday, February 15, 2009, 3:30 PM =======
Grateful for small blessings!! Truthfully, I had hoped for a speedy recovery after diagnosing my illness. I'm still sick--although I didn't sit on the back row of the Church. I used lozenges to suppress the onset of a coughing spell.
===== Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 10:30 AM ======
Is it good or bad that I just want to sleep? (I didn't get up until 9.) Is my body healing? Thankfully, less coughing, fewer sneezes, no itchy eyes!! But, oh, so tired!!
==== Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 11:30 AM =====
Didn't get up until 9:30. I haven't an ounce of energy!! I haven't been able to get outdoors for a walk because of inclement weather.
===== Thursday, February 19, 2009, 11:30 AM =====
I'm not complaining!! As promised, this is a running report regarding my recovery. I've just returned from two hours away from the apartment (a trip into town). I'm utterly exhausted!! I had a "rest less" night (maybe four hours total sleep). I won't walk because a cold wind after rain yesterday and last night. Zero visibility due to fog at 6 AM, and 43 degrees (not that I was "outside" at that hour, but I was awake watching the TV news).
====== Friday, February 20, 2009, 4:30 PM ======
Wide awake at 2:30 AM after only three hours of sleep!! I'm not inclined to take a sleeping pill!! I've spent the day trying to get connected to the Internet--and succeeded at 3 PM. The first e-mail message I opened has a dozen Maxine cartoons--and I appreciated the fact that I'm still able to laugh. See my Feb. 20th "blog."
===== Saturday, February 21, 2009, 4:00 PM ======
A better night's sleep. An hour walk in the middle of the afternoon as I combined grocery shopping and a little exercise. Returned home exhausted!! Now I'm enjoying a cup of all natural Good Earth (brand) Chai Vanilla Decaf tea. Yum! Something I've failed to document previously: I'm always cold; I think my body thermostat is not functioning properly. I'm warm in bed, under several comforters.
====== Sunday, February 22, 2009, 5:00 PM =======
Feeling better. Went to Church. Edited a document (re: Ozone Poisoning) that I will publish to the Internet.
===== Monday, February 23, 2009, 10:00 AM =======
I'm proofing, and editing, a document titled Indoor Ozone Poisoning from EcoQuest Ozone Generators. When it has all the corresponding "links" I will publish it to the Internet. I feel I owe it to the public to add my voice (as a nondescript private citizen) to the professional articles already available. See February 23rd blog.
===== Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 11:30 AM =======
Over twelve hours yesterday making certain the article was as close to perfect as humanly possible. Three hours this morning, and (although complicated) I believe I have published to the Internet.
==== Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 5:00 PM ======
With a heart, and mind, full of thankfulness, I'm pleased to report that I had a good night's sleep, AND six hours away from the apartment. I lingered a long time in Panera, reading a newspaper (with an infrequent cup of coffee); I shopped at Circuit City (going out of business sale); and I bought groceries at Sam's Club. Then I browsed a Thrift Shop with everything half-price. (I've always believed that Value Village had reasonable prices!! The store was packed with customers whereas Sam's parking lot was almost empty, and the patrons were few.) I'm tired but not "exhausted" as with many previous trips away from the apartment. I'm wanting to share my thankfulness with the reader. I appreciate the fact that you followed my narrative (and hopefully prayed for my recovery)!!
======= Monday, March 9, 2009, 9:30 AM ========
Today is the four week anniversary of my search for a solution to my health problem (see Feb. 9th). I'm so happy to report that I am feeling much better!! No more coughing, sneezing, and itchy eyes!! Occasional mucus but I no longer use the saline sinus rinse. I'm not using over-the-counter remedies, or prescription drugs; I'm using nutritional supplements and Goldenseal (natural antibiotic). As weather permits, I force myself to walk in the neighborhood. (Now I carry a long piece of pipe; see Feb. 10th, above.) Despite my lingering constant fatigue, exercise should restore my energy?!?! I appreciate the prayers, and messages expressing concern (with suggestions). Thank you!!
======= Monday, March 23, 2009, 9:30 AM ========
On this six-week-anniversary (recovery from acute ozone poisoning) I want to direct you to the very brief movie called "Finding Joy." Approximately three minutes of inspiring photographes, and beautiful music!! After you watch that... come back and click to experience the "Bless You" movie. Let me explain: I'm "finding so much joy" now that I'm feeling reasonably healthy again!! I feel so "blessed" and I want to extend those blessing to you. ~~ This past week I tackled a mountain of receipts, and statements, as I prepared my Turbo Tax Income Taxes. It is ready to e-File!! Two weeks ago that would have been physically and mentally impossible. I sincerely appreciate all the prayers for my recovery, and best wishes received.
I have used this and given it as a gift. It's a wonderful tool to use for every day life. If you have diabetes (for example) it will not only break down a comprehensive explanation of the disease, it lists herbs, vitamins, foods, etc. that you should be using AND staying away from. Super awesome!