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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Universal Vaccine for the Flu? Look No Further Than Vitamin C and Zinc

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is ablaze today with talk of an important new discovery that could lead to a "universal vaccine" that ends all colds for a lifetime. This universal vaccine, researchers say, would target a common configuration of proteins that occurs in virtually all cases of influenza, including H5N1 (bird flu), the Spanish flu strain and even the common cold.

It all sounds promising until you realize the reality of the situation. First, this "universal vaccine" concept is remarkably naive in ignoring the astounding ability of viruses to generate immunity to vaccines due to clever mutations. In fact, the action of influenza in the wild right now demonstrates this quite well: Each year's flu shot vaccine is essentially useless against the current influenza strains actually circulating among the population. They only protect people against last year's flu. And that's not very useful.

Why do you think we have MRSA and other superbugs running rampant in our hospitals these days? Because viruses and bacteria have a remarkably ability to rapidly develop immunity to vaccines. Even the targeting of a common protein receptor site is not beyond the reach of mutating viruses, and for scientists to think these viruses cannot mutate their way around a chemical vaccination is remarkably arrogant.

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The real cause of the flu: Nutritional deficiency
In fact, it is nutritional deficiency that causes susceptibility to the common cold, not vaccine deficiency. Ask anybody who lives a natural health lifestyle and takes their nutrition seriously, and you'll find that they might only catch one cold every five or ten years. I haven't had a cold for probably eight years or so (can't remember exactly, because it's been so long), and of course I would never even think of getting a flu shot.

Flu shots are only for ignorant people who live on junk food diets and don't know anything about health. Flu shot clinics are like the McDonald's of modern medicine: It's where the uneducated, immune-suppressed people go because they don't know any better. And the flu shot industry (Big Pharma, clinics, etc.) preys upon these people in much the same way McDonald's preys upon low-income consumers who have no idea they're eating their way to lifelong nutritional imbalance.

Flu shots are for people who microwave their food and buy instant macaroni and cheese. They're for people who have been cajoled into avoiding vitamins (they're dangerous, didn't you know?) and who live on pharmaceuticals and junk food.

Flu shots are the mythology of modern medicine, much like the superstitions of commercial fishermen who run their boats in circles after leaving port in order to eliminate any "bad juju" that might ruin their catch.

Want new technology for defending against the flu? Your immune system is the best technology on the planet for accomplishing that. You just have to give it the proper fuel: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, trace minerals, superfoods and healthy nutrition!

Lorraine here: Read the entire article, by Mike Adams, at Natural News. Visit my web site for valuable information about Max nutritional supplements.

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