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Friday, January 9, 2009

Is "lipo" the best way to slim down?

Is lipo the best way to slim down? copied from Ideal Bite

Fat chance. There are more natural ways than lipo and noxious pills to narrow your waistline this year, such as exercising and taking natural supplements. Just start with realistic expectations...almost no one is made for size 00 duds.

The Benefits
Trimming down. Whether for health or body image reasons, you can slim down naturally.
Slender chances of bad side effects. Conventional prescription and over-the-counter drugs like Ephedra sometimes cause high blood pressure, insomnia, and strokes.
Weighty cash savings. A 30-day supply of the prescription weight-loss drug Meridia costs $120, while most of our natural suggestions cost pennies per serving or dose....

Wanna Try?
Get Outside, Take the Stairs, and Walk More--getting physical is a tried-and-true way to get fit.
Drink Green Tea - burn as many as 70 additional calories per day by drinking green tea, thanks to its metabolism-enhancing effect.
Eat Breakfast - just do it. People who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat during the day.
Eat Grapefruit - in addition to helping combat diabetes, an '04 study found grapefruit helps metabolize sugar.
Eat Seaweed - seaweed's iodine keeps your weight-regulating thyroid gland in tip-top shape.
Get Your Calcium - the more calcium there is in a fat cell, the more fat it'll burn. Choose a supplement with vitamin D to help your body absorb it ($4).
Get Glucomannan - plant-based, hi-fiber supplement that helps you lose weight by making you feel full ($9).
Get Pyruvate-d - a naturally occurring acid found in foods such as dark beer and red apples; it's been shown to aid weight loss by increasing metabolism ($9).
Spice Up Your Life - add cayenne pepper to your dishes for a metabolic boost.

I'll be honest: This is another short message because I was away from home most of the day. Emissions check, tune-up, oil change, new windshield wipers, etc., on my KIA. Starting the New Year on the right foot [ha!]. Speaking of "foot": I've been doing more walking (as the weather permits). And you? Are you getting your exercise? I'm taking my nutritional supplement, Max N-Fuze, and weight loss accelerator, MaxWLX, too. See http://SeniorSecurity.MaxTrax4u.com/

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