A heartfelt welcome to visitors wishing to follow my Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels. For your convenience, you can follow my trips chronologically by clicking The Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. ~~ More trailer info. ~~ The overall contents of this blog are a mix of health & nutrition, and comments about my activities. Enjoy!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Square Peg in a Round Hole

In my humble opinion, I have always been upbeat in my messages. (What do you think?) Today I am feeling depressed and plan to explain why I feel like a "square peg in a round hole."

I've put a lot of time into preparing these blogs!! I want them to sound good, look good, error-free, etc. Hopefully the reader has a sense of who I am and what my values are. But family, friends and acquaintances never access my blog!! (At the bottom of my site, there is a feature called StatCounter. That program documents [elsewhere] my visitors.) ~~ My family, friends and acquaintances profusely forward messages; I read them before I delete them. I hate forwarded messages!! (I read theirs, why don't they read mine?)

I'm prompt replying to the e-mail messages of family, friends and acquaintances. They have a health problem..., I offer suggestions and tell them I will pray for them. My blog address is a live link in every message but they don't use it. ~~ Via the U.S. Post Office, I mail greeting cards and gifts but rarely receive acknowledgement.

I beg your indulgence because the following comment is not my usual vocabulary: Life "sucks" when we get old!! I bring so many talents to a job!! I'm a hard worker; I'm loyal; I'm honest!! But two employers rejected me in the last sixteen months. I wasn't working for the paycheck; I was at the location to serve!! Square peg??

I'm generous with my time, money and my possessions. How quickly a friend forgets who supplied the computer, printer, office supplies--and many hours of physical labor to open a health business. Love abused!! ~~ I "house sit" and "pet sit" (free).

Was I born on another planet?? Why am I a square peg in a round hole world??

"Square peg in a round hole
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A square peg in a round hole is an idiomatic expression which describes the unusual individualist who could not fit into a niche of his society."

A Prayer for Resting in God's Love
Father God, I come into your presence so aware of my human frailty and yet overwhelmed by your love for me. I thank you that there is no human experience that I might walk through where your love cannot reach me. If I climb the highest mountain you are there and yet if I find myself in the darkest valley of my life, you are there. Teach me today to love you more. Help me to rest in that love that asks nothing more than the simple trusting heart of a child. In Jesus name, Amen

Source: Written by Sheila Walsh author of "Let Go"

Weathering the Storm
Father God, Today I am afraid. I look around me at this world that is changing so fast and I feel lost like a small boat in the midst of a storm. I am not built to weather the battering waves or the howling wind. So I wait now in your presence. You spoke the oceans and the four winds into being. You threw the stars in the sky and separated the sea from dry land. You took the hand of Peter who was sinking into the depths of the water and walked him to safety. I choose now to fix my eyes on you and not on the storm. I settle my heart on your love and not on the current that threatens to pull me under. Thank you that you are my firm anchor even through the darkest night, Amen

Source: Written by Sheila Walsh author of "Let Go"

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! Not many email addicts make the leap to reading blogs. RSS Readers, which would be great for blog posts, aren't as easy to use. (I never found one that I stuck with.)

    Two readability suggestions: change to a Blogspot template that uses a sans serif font (easier to read on a computer) and be very sparing in bolding text (too much becomes hard to read too).

    Good luck!
