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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Global Domains International

If you have been following my "blog" you are aware that I am now very cautious about alleged money making opportunities. I'm still doing "research" regarding Global Domains International (GDI). There is one complaint on RipoffReport followed by numerous positive comments, and rebuttals. I'd like the reader to join my GDI team but I believe you should be well informed before investing $10.00. The following comment was copied directly from RipoffReport.

Successful Happy GDI Affiliate Here (D Marie, Penfield, New York, U.S.A.)

I have been successfully promoting Global Domains International for over 2 years now, and I have to say it has been the best network-marketing company I have ever promoted, by far.

The reason it has been so successful for me are the free tools like landing pages and video sites GDI makes available for their members. Without the ability of the new GDI members to input their user name code into one of GDI's promotional video sites instantly, my downline would not be in 180 countries now.

The websites GDI offers are viable and many of my members only use the websites. We chose not to use the GDI website builder because I like to make my sites look gorgeous and very unique so I used a different builder to do this. If I showed you what the GDI website product could really look like they would probably remove my links, so I will just tell you... my GDI sites all end in .ws and one globaldomainsint which you can find in the top 5 on Google and AOL and MSN and my other one is makemoneyhome which you can find at the top of MSN.

I have to tell you. I am not rich, but GDI has been providing over 1/2 of my income for the past 2 years and they are never late with a check.

They do what they say they will do. I have not known any other business opportunity that gives you back so much for so little (the $10 a month they charge) and this is a breath of fresh air, especially in this day and age.


For an encyclopedia of information, please visit my May 3rd blog. I have approached "work from home" like a full time job. Sometimes I spend the entire day in front of the computer. See how another woman built a lucrative income working from home. (It takes a few seconds to download the video, followed by brief advertisement. Then enjoy the interview.)

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