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Friday, May 1, 2009

The merry month of May....

The merry month of May is named after the goddess Maia Majestas, who is foremost of the Greek Seven Sisters (the Pleiades) and the mother of Hermes. It is a month associated with flowers and mild weather in the northern hemisphere. The first day, called May Day, was once a popular festival honoring Flora, the goddess of flowers.

The month of May also includes Mother's Day, which is a modern American invention. Its creator was Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948), a West Virginia schoolteacher who undertook a letter-writing campaign in 1905, petitioning ministers, businessmen, and congressmen to support the idea of a national day set aside to honor mothers. In 1910, West Virginia became the first state to proclaim a national day of observance, and within a year the rest of the union followed suit.

Copied from STRAIGHT FROM THE GARDEN May Newsletter

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