A heartfelt welcome to visitors wishing to follow my Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels. For your convenience, you can follow my trips chronologically by clicking The Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. ~~ More trailer info. ~~ The overall contents of this blog are a mix of health & nutrition, and comments about my activities. Enjoy!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Junk in the Trunk

I had a sleepless night, and a long day!! At 7:15 this morning I drove the short distance to our local Senior Center. I joined a large group of vendors in the parking lot and we "set up" our booths for "Junk in the Trunk" (fancy name for a Flea Market).

Fog shrouded the area, and limited visibility. Over the next several hours we had dark clouds, mist, rain sprinkles, and eventually weak sunshine. Vendors speculated that the weather prompted customers to stay home!! As early as 10, people were packing their "junk," folding their tables and leaving. I stayed until noon--and was the last to leave!! We "contracted" to be at the location until 2 PM and I take my commitments seriously.

A free "picnic" had been prepared for vendors, and customers. However, I took my own food because I follow a vegetarian diet. Alone, on the patio, I ate my sandwich, bell pepper, and baby carrots. I had a banana mid morning; I didn't get around to the apple. Tomorrow I'll pack a similar lunch.

The KIA and trailer are loaded with items "for sale." Early tomorrow morning I'll set up at a local Flea Market. Sad thing: The weather is predicted to be a carbon copy of today!!

It is my desire to "down size" my possessions over the next several months. I'll probably experience a wide variety of weather conditions!! But I want to emphasize that I am grateful that my health permits me to do the preparations, and execute the event(s). I remember how sick I was a few short months ago!! Yes, I'm tired this evening but I have enough energy to stay up until 11 so I can watch "Farrah's Story" between 9 and 11. (Read my May 13th "blog.")


Postscript: I watched... and I agonized with Farrah. As sick as I was, it is insignificant compared to her suffering!!


Another cancer story in the news.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFNMM1bDDK8

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