A heartfelt welcome to visitors wishing to follow my Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels. For your convenience, you can follow my trips chronologically by clicking The Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. ~~ More trailer info. ~~ The overall contents of this blog are a mix of health & nutrition, and comments about my activities. Enjoy!!
At this very hour (8:30) Tuesday morning I was in an Internet Cafe in Front Royal, Virginia. Seventy-two hours later and I've enjoyed a good night's sleep in my bed, in Shelby, North Carolina!! As a point of comparison: Front Royal is not far from Washington D.C.!! Shelby is almost on the South Carolina line. I've driven 543 miles from the Walmart parking lot (where I spent Monday night) via the Skyline Drive, in Virginia, and Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia and North Carolina. I've taken a number of pictures, and I've written notes, so I'll publish some interesting "blogs" soon. I won't accomplish the task in one day because I am recovering from diverticulitis. Yes, Tuesday morning I woke up with a very sharp pain on my lower left front. It might have been caused by something as small as a seed in the fresh Blueberries purchased at the Farmer's Market on Saturday?! I was in a lot of pain both Tuesday and Wednesday. No sharp pain yesterday (Thursday) but my entire abdominal area is tender and sore. ~~ Before I do anything else, before I unhook the Little Guy teardrop trailer, I must take the vehicles to a self-service car wash!! ~~ Thanks for your interest in my trip!!
At the bottom of the "Welcome" sign, it says "Home of Earl Scruggs." Well, being a West Coast resident most of my life, I did not know who Earl Scruggs is. I did a little research, and bought a CD of his music. Perhaps his most famous... was the theme for the TV show "Beverly Hillbillies." ~~ The sign also says "City of Pleasant Living" and I totally agree!!
3:30 PM and the trailer has had a shower, and is unhooked. I've been at the computer for a couple of hours working on several "blogs" that I will publish as soon as they are perfected in every detail. It is 91 degrees and very, very humid!! (Weatherman says "feels like 104.")
4:30 PM and 92 degrees!! I finally turned on the air conditioning. I prefer to have windows and door wide open to let air flow through. ~~ I'm looking forward to cold watermelon for supper. I bought the watermelon, and homegrown tomatoes, from a Farmer's Market at the Junk in a Trunk (Flea Market) sale. My vendor space was paid for but I was just too tired to load things last night, or this morning, and set up early. However, on my way to the car wash I stopped by to see vendor friends. I was greeted with "We were just talking about you--and wondering where you were."
To follow my trip chronologically--to see the next blog--click Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels-Repair.
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