A heartfelt welcome to visitors wishing to follow my Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels. For your convenience, you can follow my trips chronologically by clicking The Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. ~~ More trailer info. ~~ The overall contents of this blog are a mix of health & nutrition, and comments about my activities. Enjoy!!
Owning a Little Guy has its advantages--and dis-advantages!! It doesn't cost a fortune for gasoline (like filling a Class A motorhome). It saves me the cost of a motel / hotel. However, when it rains I am at a disadvantage!! About 4:00 PM I took shelter in the pavilion (roof only, open sides) because I saw the storm on the horizon. I didn't expect it to last long, nor be severe, so I left the KIA and trailer windows open about half an inch. We had mild rain initially but became a cloudburst between 6 and 7!!!!
The Greenes had advertised that the Gospel Singing would take place "rain or shine"--and it started on time (7:00) and we were soon oblivious of the rain. Perhaps the weather kept some people away--perhaps not. It was great!! We were entertained by The Greenes, Naomi Sego, Ivan Parker, and Gold City.
Yes, things were wet in my KIA and trailer!! The maps, and guide books on the passenger seat are soaked!!
To follow my trip chronologically--to see the next blog--click Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels--Little Switzerland.
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