A heartfelt welcome to visitors wishing to follow my Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels. For your convenience, you can follow my trips chronologically by clicking The Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. ~~ More trailer info. ~~ The overall contents of this blog are a mix of health & nutrition, and comments about my activities. Enjoy!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels #6

4:00 PM, Sunday, and 89 degrees inside Little Guy. Probably the same outside.... This entire day my KIA and teardrop trailer have been in bold sunshine!! When I wasn't taking a walk, I enjoyed shade under the "hatch back" next to the trees along the river. I don't like to complain about heat and humidity--so I won't!! A few minutes ago I impulsively decided to ask if I could move to a shady space. "Of course!!" So now I am all hooked up, under the trees, in a "pull through" space. (Why didn't I think of this sooner? There's an old saying: "Too soon old, too late smart.") I don't plan an early departure tomorrow but, essentially, I am ready to go.

It's nice to have free WiFi. I brought my laptop after reading on their web site that
Shenandoah Valley Campground offered this amenity. I thought we would have to go to a designated area at the store but to my surprise the signal carries all over this enormous area.

To my amusement, I noticed that a departing camper (in one of those large rigs) had a flat screen TV (about, or over, 30 inches) on the picnic table. I'm guessing that the family watched TV (or a DVD movie?)--in the cool of the evening--sitting in lawn chairs near a blazing fire ring. Most of the weekend campers had all the luxuries of home!!!!

People are so lazy!! I just noticed that two women drove the truck from an adjoining space to the store--which is about a football field length from our sites!!

5:00 PM, and the thermometer says 91 degrees in the shade, in a breeze, on the picnic table. I have eaten a fresh ear of corn (raw), a cucumber, and a tomato. All very good and very satisfying!! I've had a handful of air-popped corn from last night--popped in the nostalgia popcorn popper.

To follow my trip chronologically--to see the next blog--click Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels #7.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorraine! it was very nice to meet you at Shanendoah Valley. I think it's great you travel in your teardrop seeing the world. I havn't had much time to blog lately, but some of my old blogs are a www.celieandnettiescloset.blogspot.com.

    We all loved your popcorn popper. It was the neatest thing I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope to get to my blog soon and post some pictures. I wanted to go the service on Sunday and just forgot as John T started packing and I was helping him...but God watched over us on our trip. He blesses us and he knows we love Him, even if we missed the service. I have learned not to judge people as we talked about. You never know what's in someones heart and what kind of relationship they have with our Lord. Hope you enjoyed your trip. We would have stayed Sunday night, but I have work on Monday and already took Friday off to be able to go.

