A heartfelt welcome to visitors wishing to follow my Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels. For your convenience, you can follow my trips chronologically by clicking The Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. ~~ More trailer info. ~~ The overall contents of this blog are a mix of health & nutrition, and comments about my activities. Enjoy!!
Forty-eight hours after leaving Shelby, 600 miles from my apartment, I had a very refreshing shower at a TA truck stop. Many years ago I discovered that any traveler can take a shower at major truck stops. For a fee, of course. Today it was $10.00 but in the past I only paid $5.00 (inflation, I guess). Now I'll be very honest with you, I don't mind paying $10. for a shower!! They furnish towels and soap (and occasionally shampoo and conditioner). I refuse to pay mega-bucks at a KOA (and RV camp grounds) for the sole benefit of a shower. Management of RV camp grounds stubbornly insist that I have to pay for "full hookup" even though I assure them that I don't use "full hookup." (Six weeks ago I drove away from such an establishment that would not budge from $38.00.)
A very good day!! Nice clean body, shampooed hair, wearing a dress, I saw old haunts and conversed with friends and acquaint-ances. Lunch with cousins. I spent time at the Brethren Heritage Center in Brookville, Ohio. The major amount of my genealogy collection was donated to this library / archives / museum. They have expanded greatly since my last visit and I am so impressed with the facility and the work they are performing!! See the sign above my car? Through the door, down the stairs, and almost the entire basement of the strip-mall is climate controlled and devoted to "Brethren Heritage."
I meandered back roads and recalled the pleasant two years I spent in the vicinity. I was en route back to Panera, and Wal-Mart, when I suddenly saw a Harbor Freight store. I safely navigated into the parking lot and spent about an hour browsing. I haven't seen a Harbor Freight since I left Lancaster, California!! Yes, I made a small purchase of several small items for Little Guy.
I have a quiet corner in Panera and I'll be here for several hours!! I purchased a sandwich, and iced tea. While on the computer, I also have my cell phone charging. Free WiFi, delicious food, beautiful classical music, attractive environment.... What more could a gal ask for? [Prince Charming!!]
I'll be back in the Wal-Mart parking lot later tonight. I have a full day tomorrow: Church with one set of "cousins" in the morning and another set of "cousins" in the evening. (I'm related to these families but we're fourth and fifth cousins.)
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