I intentionally purchased the Little Guy "utility model." ~~ #1: Frequently I "do" Flea Markets and attempt to sell quality items I no longer need. ***I'm trying to "downsize"!!*** I can load an enormous amount of "stuff" into the trailer!! ~~ #2: I don't "need" a kitchen; I prefer to eat a big salad and fresh fruit and veggies. I have a one-burner Coleman propane stove so I can heat water for green tea, or a can of soup. I have an ice chest for perishibles.
The only time I stay in RV Parks is--prearranged--with a group. (Southern Gospel Singing at Tom Johnson Camping Center, Marion, NC, and Old Dominion Tearjerkers, Shenandoah Valley Campgrounds, Verona, VA.) At that time I pay the same price as the larger campers that utilize electricity, water, and sewer. Honestly, when I'm en route to a specific destination, I usually spend the night in a WalMart parking lot. I'm an expert at "primitive" camping!! It doesn't annoy me when I don't have utilities at State Parks and National Forest campgrounds!! If I wanted all the luxuries "of home" I'd "stay home"!!
I travel with a long electric extension cord. I could tuck it under the corner of the "hatch" if I needed to use a fan, or heater. (I travel with both.) I haven't needed a fan because it has not been "too hot" in the trailer at night. There was one campout--with Southern Appalachian Chapter TearJerkers--where I wish I had the little heater. My very first trip with Little Guy was in the Spring of 2008. I had the mattress and a sleeping bag (and the electric cord) but no extra blankets, no heavy coat, no heater. The weather had been very pleasant in Shelby so I didn't prepare for the higher elevation--and colder temperature--of the mountains at RiverCamp USA.
That's one reason I am writing this "howIdoit." One lady contacted me because she heard I traveled alone. This is her first experience with a trailer and the peculiarities of a "teardrop" trailer. (Example: Learning how to back one up!!)
Several months ago, at a store called Tuesday Morning, I bought a Portable Warming Blanket by Chill Buster. On the box it says "The ultimate heated sport utility blanket." It has a battery that we charge (at home) before we leave for a sporting event, or camping. I may never use it but it will be nice to have if the night turns cold and I don't have electricity. However, frankly, I am traveling with far more blankets than I will ever need. Also, sweatshirts, stocking cap, gloves, scarves, etc., that go with me year around!!
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