A heartfelt welcome to visitors wishing to follow my Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels. For your convenience, you can follow my trips chronologically by clicking The Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. ~~ More trailer info. ~~ The overall contents of this blog are a mix of health & nutrition, and comments about my activities. Enjoy!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels--Chatterbox

Chatterbox--that's me!! It is so easy for me to carry on a conversation with people if they ask me a question, or comment on Little Guy. In the Ladies Room, early morning, several campers asked me about the teardrop trailer. I never tire of telling about my travels, and how much I enjoy my small but efficient "home away from home."

On-the-other-hand, some people have all the luxuries of home!! When I finally got to the parking lot near the lobby of Tom Johnson Camping Center (about 10:00) an enormous Holiday Rambler was ready to depart. I recognized the unit..., I recognized Jerry and Betty..., and rushed to request a picture. The Blue Ox--with their bikes--looked perfect and I'm so glad "Blue" has a new home and folks who appreciate it and will use it. (
Click here to read my earlier blog re: Blue Ox.)

(10:35 AM) More later?! It is an awesome, gorgeous, fantastically beautiful day!! I am not going to sit around the lobby (using free WiFi) when I can explore the area.

(5:15 PM) I went to Marion--with nothing particular in mind. The Main Street had been turned into a large "Yard Sale." Unfortunately, by the time I got there most vendors were packing up!! But I walked the street and looked at the remaining items. I bought three beautiful, large tomatoes for one dollar, and three ears of corn for one dollar. ~~ En route back to camp I stopped at a market for ice--and a small package of mixed salad greens. ~~ In camp I enjoyed my salad, and tomato, alternately with conversation when curious campers came to see Little Guy. News flash!! It was 109 degrees in the trailer when I returned... and opened it up!! And one window had been open so imagine how hot if absolutely no outside air!! ~~ Later I drove up to the lobby so I could continue this blog--and take a shower. Well, more conversation (this time about holistic health and nutritional supplements). It was almost five when I started taking a shower in the beautiful facility. I was interrupted by an employee saying the building was being secured and I needed to remove my computer. So I learned the lobby is not always open and available for campers. I'm typing this with the computer on the counter in the beautiful Ladies Room. No problem because there IS an outside entrance for the campers.

To follow my trip chronologically--to see the next blog--click Little Guy Teardrop Trailer Travels--Gospel Singing #5.

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