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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why are smart people so ignorant about health, vaccines and vitamin D? (part three)

(NaturalNews) This is the third and final part of a three-part article series. Part one is available at http://www.naturalnews.com/026843_health_food_nutrition.html... and part two is available at http://www.naturalnews.com/026851_nutrition_health_cancer.html...

Ultimately, what's more important than teaching people nutritional knowledge is teaching people the skills of thinking for themselves. A population of independent thinkers would naturally embrace knowledge of nutritional remedies and natural cures. They would naturally resist the FDA's pro-drug propaganda, and they would be able to more readily recognize the value of safe, effective and low-cost natural medicine.

The reason why this isn't happening right now in modern society is obvious when you realize that people are not trained to THINK, they are trained to follow orders.

This is especially true with doctors, where the art and craft of medicine has been stolen away from well-meaning physicians by state and federal bureaucrats who wish to centralize all the medical decision making. They want doctors to be robotic enforcers of a centrally-planned medical agenda, not local decision-makers operating with autonomy.

In today's health care reform debate, for example, all the big players want to dictate to doctors how they should make their decisions -- insurance companies, drug companies, state governments and the federal government. Nobody wants to empower doctors with the ability to make reasonable decisions based on human compassion and necessary medical care, because that would cost too much (and it might not involve monopoly-priced pharmaceuticals).

But it isn't only doctors who are taught to abandon independent thinking: It's all of us. Through our conformist, dictatorial public education system and incessant television programming, we are all taught to cast away independent thought and conform with the masses.

Why we are genetically programmed to follow the herd
This tendency, in fact, is genetically programmed behavior among not just humans, but many other species. It's actually a shortcut survival strategy for quick decision making. If you're standing in a forest, for example, and a stampede of 100 people run towards you, screaming in fear, you may not know what they are afraid of, but in the back of your mind, your brain concludes "Well, one hundred people can't all be wrong. I'm gonna run too!" And you turn around and run in the same direction they are running, oblivious to any reason why.

Following the masses as a decision-making shortcut pays off much of the time, but it misleads us when the masses have been misdirected. And the masses, it turns out, are incredibly easy to misdirect through propaganda, advertising and deliberate disinfo campaigns.

In fact, I would say that on all the big issues of our modern society -- health, economics, the environment, politics, etc. -- the masses have been deliberately misdirected to pursue beliefs and actions that serve only the interests of those who covet profits and power. Thus, using the convenient mental shortcut of following the masses in modern society is a sure recipe for engaging in actions that betray your own personal interests. Much of modern advertising, for example, could be accurately described as a campaign to convince individual consumers to make purchasing decisions that go against their own self interest. (This is especially true in the banking and credit card industries.)

Click here to read the entire article.

About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health author and technology pioneer with a passion for teaching people how to improve their health. He has authored and published thousands of articles, interviews, consumers guides, and books on topics like health and the environment, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world. Adams is an independent journalist with strong ethics who does not get paid to write articles about any product or company.

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